Pro-Life Huskies

We are the Pro-Life Organization at Houston Christian University. Pro-Life Huskies has a vision to build a life-affirming culture at HCU such that the life of every human being is respected and protected from conception to natural death regardless of level of development, viability, or ability.

We want to accomplish this vision through our 3S’s: Save babies, Serve women, and Support them both. We hope to erase the ignorance in respect to abortion through educating and equipping our fellow peers. Pro-Life Huskies provide educational meetings, volunteer events, and a $1000 Pregnant and Parenting Grant every semester.

We exist because we believe that every human being deserves to be loved, respected, and protected for who they are as persons without discrimination. We are here because those at the beginning of their lives and the end of their lives face discrimination to the point of death due to rampant ignorance of facts. At Pro-Life Huskies we aim to stand against this discriminatory killing by ending the ignorance on our campus through education. It is our hope and purpose to educate and equip our fellow peers as we grow into our future together at this great university, so that those who follow after us might not face the discrimination our generation has survived.


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