Diana Severance, Director of HCU's Dunham Bible Museum, is featured on Think About It

Diana Severance is Director of HCU’s Dunham Bible Museum. She graduated with a BA, MA and PhD in History from Rice University. She is skilled in research, writing, history, higher education, and public speaking. She has authored several books, including in recent years, The Living Word: Daily Readings on the History, Influence, and Impact of the Bible(Kress Biblical Resources, 2020), The Story of Emily: A Proverbs 31 Women (Kress Biblical Resources, 2018), Her-Story: 366 Devotions from 21 Centuries of the Christian Church (Christian Focus, 2016) and A Cord of Three Strands: Love Letters of Famous Christians (Christian Focus, 2012) and “Against the Gates of Hell”(Wipf and Stock, 2012). She enjoys gardening and needlework.